Alderney Marine Management Plan

The multi-sectoral management of a marine area for the purpose of sustainable use and conservation is often referred to as Marine Planning. Marine Planning provides an operational framework through which the value of marine biodiversity can be maintained simultaneously with the sustainable use of economically important marine resources.

Such a framework allows multiple marine-based human activities to co-exist in a particular area and ensures that the effects of different activities upon each other and upon the marine environment are managed effectively.

Efficient planning and management are also necessary to prevent conflicts between human uses and/or between human uses and the marine environment itself, i.e. the overfishing of economically valuable fish stocks which may ultimately alter the range of services the marine environment provides to the benefit of humans.

Image credit: Jake Woodnutt, Alderney Braye Harbour

Marine Management and the Community

Many residents in the Alderney community rely upon the range of services that the sea around Alderney provides, including food provision, tourism services and energy provision services.

It is therefore important to effectively manage marine areas upon which many livelihoods and lifestyles depend. However this can be difficult without community support. Community involvement and support are therefore a pre-requisite for successful and long-term marine management.

In order to generate community support, members of the Alderney local community and key interest groups will be involved in a community-based participatory process to generate a shared vision for the future of Alderney’s marine environment, upon which the marine management plan will be based.

Complete Timeline

Date Stage
February - March 2017
  • Surveys will be posted to community members to determine community priorities for marine management in the sea around Alderney.
  • Interviews with marine stakeholders will take place to determine sectoral priorities, identify any areas of concern, and how a marine management plan will influence marine activities in future. 
  • Street surveys will also take place to ensure good demographic coverage of the Alderney community. 
April - June 2017
  • Key community and stakeholder priorities identified 
  • Development of community-informed film 
July 2017
  • An open meeting will be held to screen the community-based film about the sea around Alderney. 
  • This meeting will also be used to gather community input on the content of a marine management plan for the waters around Alderney. 
August 2017
  • A draft marine management plan for the sea around Alderney will be completed.
  • An open consultation meeting will be held to allow community members to feedback on the draft plan. 
September 2017
  • A final marine management plan for the sea around Alderney will be completed, taking in to consideration of community and stakeholder feedback. 
  • A public meeting will be held to launch the Marine Management Plan
  • The final plan will be presented to the States of Alderney.